“We have lost the pleasure of being together. Thirty years of precariousness and competition have destroyed social solidarity. Media virtualization has destroyed the empathy among bodies, the pleasure of touching each other, and the pleasure of living in urban spaces. We have lost the pleasure of love, because too much time is devoted to work and virtual exchange”.
Francesco Bifo Berardi and Geert Lovink. 2011. “A Call to the Army of love and to the Army of Software,” published online by the Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam
What would it be to transform BASE into a place of political presence where designers, artists and students live and reinvent the space?
WE WILL DESIGN seeks to imagine new forms of coexistence and interdependence based on Convivialism principles such as cooperation, democracy, dialogue between cultures, equal dignity, and ecological responsibility.
We want to explore the ability to create different forms of interdependent relationships, contemplating our behaviours, feelings, and spatiality.We will use performativity as a tool to rewrite the spatial conditions of everyday life.
We will promote the fantastic and the desirable as guiding principles.
We will commit ourselves to creating exceptional and ordinary rituals to share with the visitors and citizens of the design week.

During the Design Week 2024 BASE opens the doors of its spaces to the construction of a temporary community of emerging designers, architects, and artists who will live and work within the spaces.
Those will be transformed for the occasion into a laboratory of “conviviality” that invites visitors to reflect on the most innovative practices of coexistence, cohabitation and sharing currently present in Europe and their interrelation with the spectre of migration, gender, ability, health, and cultural background.
Does that sound interesting?
Call for entries for Design Week 2024 at BASE Milano
You haven’t recognized yourself in the call but
you still want to propose us your brand or project as an exhibitor ?
Please email: design@base.milano.it
Our desire to imagine a possible new future cannot be limited to one week a year.
This is why BASE chooses to go beyond the confines of Design Week and proposes an approach that uses design as a tool for collective research and construction that can no longer be achieved through a short exhibition of projects but also through design residences and collaborative projects.
A double approach that can unfold as a longer journey that will develop throughout the year and will culminate during Design Week or can be a shorter experience during one of the greatest moments of creative expression on the international stage in Milan.